Professor P’s Podcast - Entrepreneurship - Empowerment - Energetics

Professor P is known for evoking the essence of spirituality by bringing the energetic fire, activating the mind, and speaking the truth. She comes with a faith focused and is a massive disruptor who will make you think. Professor P podcast is focused on three pillars: Entrepreneurship – Empowerment – Energetics. Each week she will be providing you with a dose of energetic power, which she calls ELIXIR. These short episodes are designed to give you the boost you need to not only get you through the week but also the encouragement to heal and free the soul. Her Entrepreneurship episodes will be filled with vast amount of information to help you no matter what stage in business you are. From pre concept to already existing and ready to scale. Professor P has a vast network of entrepreneurs she knows and respects. She will be sharing them as guest on the episodes. Her Empowerment episodes will focus on the TRUTH BE TOLD. Professor P has taken no prisoners on her journey and speaks very openly and publicly about her traumatic background. Today she lives what she calls the Empowered Life and in the Essence of who she was designed to be and continually evolving into her greatest version daily. There will be no holding back when it comes to these episodes. She will cover an array of topics from the wounded mother to trauma, to mind control, to wealth, to conditioning, and the list goes on and on. These episodes will also include guest interviews. Professor P is a five-time published author. Four of her books are on entrepreneurship and one is on empowerment. She has more than 25 years of business administration experience with 20 of those years as an entrepreneur. She grew her core business from six locations in half the state of California to thirty locations in five states. Today she is growing a global brand. Prior to getting her business she was a welfare mother, and she comes from a deep history of poverty, abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Professor P is on a mission to let everyone know that every tragedy and trauma can be turned into TRIUMPH! And you can live the Empowered Life. And live in the ESSENCE of who you truly are. Contact with Professor P Website Email The Professor P School Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 35th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is DELAYED GRATIFICATION #mastery
Delayed gratification and emotional intelligence are tied together. In our very fast world where everything is at our fingertips, we can get pretty much anything we want right now. But it is important to learn how to have delayed gratification. What does that even me. It means that you wait for greater. Instead of taking a weekend trip to the Bay Area or wherever you might want to go, you save that money for an even greater trip to Rome or some other country.
We are not animals; we are intelligent human beings who can wait. There is great power in patience. Did you know that?  But again, our world today isn’t set up for much patience. Fashion is fast, Amazon is fast, we have microwave moments all over the place. But the real power is being able to delay our gratification for greater. How many of you want greater in your life? Look at all the hands going up! Well hop into today’s podcast to hear more about delayed gratification. I will give you homework as always, make sure you take some time to do it.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 34th episode of Professor P's Podcast. Welcome to this month’s entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is NETWORKING, there is great power in your network. It is a key to the foundation of being an EMPOWERED entrepreneur and one who lives an EMPOWERED life.
“Networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come.”—Diane Helbig
According to the Oxford dictionary, networking is defined as “interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social’s so important to network when starting a new business.” What I love is that even the dictionary states how important it is for startups to network.
There are over 7 billion people on the planet, each one holding a key. Many of them have a key you need. It is important to find them and obtain the key. It is the only key that unlocks the door that you were called to walk through. Far too often, we take for granted how important people are, especially as we become even more dependent on technology. But as you will see when I address the power of human capital, we are nothing without people.
When building your network, you want to think about your target market and then build a circle around them. Start by identifying who they are. Once you’ve accomplished that, I need you to identify where they might be, who might work with them, who might serve them. Here is an example: a large target for me is the underserved. I am here for them. So, I need to build my network with social services that care for the underserved. Then, I’m able to work with my target market and be paid for the work I do. My network needs to be built with nonprofits, county department of health and welfare, and the like. That means I need to be at networking events where underserved people will be attending. You understand? I’m making connections outside of my direct target. The same is true for you.
Your homework: I want you to make a list of the important contacts in your network. These will be individuals who may provide information to you, advice, inspiration, encouragement, and the like. When you write them down, you can note what it is that you get from each person. What value does the exchange you have with them bring to your life? Then, I want you to note next to their name who introduced you to them. How was it that you met? If you introduced yourself to them, then just put “me.” In networking, there are brokers, and if you are familiar with what brokers do, they connect. In real estate, they connect buyers to sellers. My dear friend Henry Einstein, who wrote the foreword for my book Startup to Success, is a real estate broker and a powerful connector. This young man is a business genius, and he is able to not only connect buyers to sellers, but his ability to network is out of this world. Today, he has a strong network of individuals who have influence, affiliations, wealth, and power. For the purpose of this activity, the person who connected you with your contact is the broker. You are going to need to find out who your brokers are. If you see “me” appear too many times, you know that you have an inbred network. Diversity is extremely important to your network. Please make sure to build a diverse network so that you don’t get caught up in group thinking. No more inbred networks!
In an article titled “How to Build Your Network,” which was featured in the Harvard Business Review, Brian Uzzi and Shannon Dunlap write: “According to our studies, if you’ve introduced yourself to your key contacts more than 65% of the time, then you’re probably building your network using the self-similarity principle and your network may be too inbred. The self-similarity principle states that, when you make network contacts, you tend to choose people who resemble you in terms of experience, training, worldview, and so on. We have found that executives, in particular, disproportionately use the self-similarity principle to build their networks. Obviously, it is easier to trust someone who views the world through the same lens you do; you expect that person to act as you would in ambiguous situations. What’s more, working with people who share your background is often very efficient: You both recognize concepts that allow you to transfer information quickly, and you are less likely to challenge one another’s ideas. Finally, like-minded people will usually affirm your point of view and, as a result, gratify your ego. Too much similarity restricts your access to discrepant information, which is crucial to both creativity and problem solving. If all your contacts think the way you do, who will question your reasoning or push you to expand your horizon? And because, over time, people tend to introduce their contacts to one another so that everyone becomes friends, the similarity of thought and skill reverberates, creating what we call an echo chamber.”
If you don’t have a network, you can build one! Start with LinkedIn. It is built for the business world, and you can start building right there. I am currently experiencing the power of LinkedIn’s networking power. As I prepare for my transition to San Diego, I must build a new network there. LinkedIn has been instrumental in connecting me to super connectors and the opportunities are overflowing before me. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, then that is also your homework. Make sure to connect with me. Outside of online social networking building opportunities you can show up to mixers and business events. Go to conference. Get out and experience what the beautiful business world has to offer you. Talk to people. Listen to people genuinely.
Some final notes on networking, I want you to understand you are building trust. Therefore, you must be a trustworthy person and do right by people. Bad business, no matter how long the run, will always end in destruction. Do yourself a favor and do right by people. Make sure you are a person of your word. If you say you will do something, then do it. If you make a contact at an event and you tell them you will be contacting them, you should honor your word. You never know when you are being linked to a broker who could link you to your next big break. I need you to make networking a priority and understand it requires you to invest your time. You cannot build your business alone. Even if you are going to be a sole proprietor, you are still an empowered entrepreneur, which means you understand that you need people on your team and you need to make finding and connecting with them a priority. I want your efforts in networking to be sincere. I want you to be a person who is confident in who they are and the purpose they have to offer this world. I want you to be heart centered and understand that you have power in the position of humility. This will be instrumental in your success. And remember success is not a secret, it is a system.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 33rd episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is NECESSARY ENDINGS, brings NEW BEGINNINGS #truthbetold
I am currently listening to a book by Dr. Henry Cloud titled Necessary Endings. The book is so amazing and is my inspiration for this episode. Dr. Henry Cloud is a clinical psychologist. In this book, Necessary Endings, the premise is endings are a normal part of life. Endings matter and are present in all areas of our lives. Learning to recognize endings is critical. Endings are a necessity for life to thrive in areas of existence.
Dr. Cloud offers a mixture of advice and case studies to help readers. He discusses things like pruning, distorted hope and realistic hope, the importance of knowing when to hold on and when to allow a necessary ending to take place.
According to Dr. Cloud, today may be the enemy of your tomorrow. In your business and perhaps your life, the tomorrow that you desire and envision may never come to pass if you do not end some things, you are doing today.
Getting to the next level always requires ending something, leaving it behind, and moving on. Growth itself demands that we move on. Without the ability to end things, people stay stuck, never becoming who they are meant to be, never accomplishing all that their talents and abilities should afford them.
To those who don’t understand how seeds work, it can look like destruction the process the seed must endure. It literally cracks itself open to allow the sprout to appear which then grows and leaves the shell behind. The necessary ending to the seed is the new beginnings of the plant that holds life in it.
Pruning in our lives is so important. It is strategic. I had the blessing of living on a vineyard for close to 10 years. Each year I would watch as the farmers would cut back the beautiful, lush growth of the season. The pruning was so intense. There was nothing left but the bareness of the vine. But then each year like clockwork a lusher vineyard appeared. This is the cycle of life that we do not take advantage of enough. What in your life do you need to cut off? Do you need God to help you? Let Him cut you I say. I am a living, walking, testament to the goodness of His pruning.
If the vine had held on to the lushness of one season it would have been stuck in that season. I don’t care how much hope it had in a new season; it would not have worked. That is what a distorted hope looks like. Many of us have distorted hope when it comes to relationships. We don’t understand the importance of one’s character.
Dr. Cloud goes in depth into false hope and what real hope looks like. He explains, for hope we need a satellite. One that will give you the most accurate predictions is the ability to diagnose character. Once you learn the character traits that give real reason to hope that tomorrow can be different, you can know better whom you want to invite into your tomorrow. You can know that there is a real reason to go forward.
He goes on to explain there are basically three types of people in the world, or better, three styles of behavior that a person can exhibit in a particular time or context.
1. Wise people 2. Foolish people 3. Evil people.
The person who ultimately does well is the one who can learn from his own experience or the experience of others, make that learning a part of himself, and then deliver results from that experience base.
Which brings us to the key to the wise person: When truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and adjusts. The mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meets their demands. And that is the problem with the fool. Whereas the chief descriptor of the wise person is that when the light shows up, he looks at it, receives it, joins it, and adjusts his behavior to align with the light, the fool does the opposite: he rejects the feedback, resists it, explains it away, and does nothing to adjust to meet its requirements. In short, the fool tries to adjust the truth, so he does not have to adjust to it.
Now, these people are the ones who will hurt you intentionally because they want to. You need to protect yourself, your family, church, business, and everything from an “evil” person. Here is where most people go wrong by giving “evil” people the benefit of the doubt or second chances. According to Cloud when a person with malevolent intentions makes themselves known believe them and get them out of your life or at least take protective actions to have an offense when they attack your life.
The truth is endings can be and are difficult, even painful, and sometimes are cause for grief and a deep sense of loss. We must face the grieving process that is a mental and emotional letting go or end. We face a new reality brought on by an ending, whatever it may be, this means we must feel and process the feelings and the emotions associated with the ending and the change brought on. This grief helps because it has movement to it; it goes forward. When we don’t face our grief, we can get stuck in the past, hanging on to false hope or staying angry at something that has happened in the past. Some people go decades, even lifetimes wasting their lives by not engaging in the process of Necessary Endings.
People who successfully navigate life have one thing in common: they get in touch with reality. I am calling you forward into reality. Necessary endings are a normal part of life. Even the word tells us that in Ecclesiastes. There is a season for everything. Your homework is to go inward and reflect on what really needs to end your life. Start with your closet! Let go of those old closes that are not serving you. Those treasure boxes are turning into trash boxes. If you are in a poor relationship and you are holding onto your hope, is it real hope or is it distorted hope? Perhaps you need to end doing something that will bring fruit to the relationship or finally move away from it once and for all. Look at the character of those who you sound yourself will. Decide to do what you need to in life. Move forward in your necessary endings, so that you can give birth to your new beginnings.
Let’s join in on today’s podcast to hear more about Dr. Cloud and the powerful topic of endings.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 32nd episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another GUEST SPEAKER, Riva Jean-Paul with Winds of Change.  The GIFT of getting to the ROOT! #entrepreneurspotlight
Riva is a Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach for Women and Trauma Informed Somatic Practitioner. Her approach to trauma recovery is a beautiful blend of spirituality, creativity, and a deep connection with the body, empowering women to find peace after trauma, own their power, and be the woman they want to be.  Breathwork, somatic experiencing, and psychedelic integration are currently her go-to modalities, carefully selected to provide her clients with a transformative journey.
As a perpetual learner, Riva's commitment to growth is woven into the fabric of her ongoing education and practice. Currently pursuing her Masters in Art Therapy & Counseling, she studies the five pillars of women's health: physical, mental, menstrual, spiritual, and relational well-being.
Riva's vision reaches beyond individual transformations; she dreams of a world shaped by healthy, empowered women leading the way, and her work is dedicated to fueling the rise of the feminine and the next women's revolution.
When she's not immersed in learning or fulfilling her life's purpose, you can find Riva cherishing moments with her husband and two cats. She finds joy in cooking, dancing, singing, and exploring new places, all while nurturing her body, mind, and soul.
Below is all of Riva’s contact information. Make sure to connect with her.
Free EBook:
Insight Timer:
And be sure to connect with me too! Thank you in advance for all your love!!
Contact with Professor P

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 31st episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is ORDERED STEPS #truthbetold
Did you know your steps are ordered? Well, listen here, let me tell you, they are!! In today’s podcast I share my most recent trip to San Diego and how it became very clear to me how our steps are truly ordered. You see when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He indeed orders our steps. And I can promise you, you want to walk in those steps that are ordered just for you. They are a perfect fit for your shoe size and custom made just for you. I pour a lot of encouragement over you in this episode and even pray.  
I pray that if you haven’t experienced the goodness of God that you do this week. That you truly know how much you are loved by God. And how He has great things in store you! I pray my story encourages you all and I want you all to know that I love you all and if you need someone to pray for you or with you, I am here to do so. Reach out to me directly. For now, lets jump into today’s podcast.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 30th episode of Professor P's Podcast. Welcome to this month’s entrepreneurial tip. The topic for this show is TIME, your relationship with time, time management, and project management. It is vital to your success in business that you understand them all. They are part of the foundation of being an EMPOWERED entrepreneur and one who lives an EMPOWERED life.
For today’s episode I pull from the book Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle * How to Break Free from Negativity & Drama; Doreen Virtue; Hay House, INC; 2015
Your Relationship with Time
“One source of stress is the way in which you view and manage time. How often have you been upset because you’re running late or behind on a deadline? Time pressure is a major source of stress. Chronic lateness can also lead to relationship arguments. Your brain under stress is focused upon surviving and reacting, and less focused upon planning and creating. With chronic stress, your brain leans – and is rewired – to be focused upon survival and reacting only. It has difficulty amping up the area devoted to devising plans for the future. Constant time urgency takes a toll on your body, brain, and emotions. Here are some time-urgency patters and ways to heal them:
Approval seeking: A mind-set of I must get everything done right now, or I will be in trouble or something bad will happen comes from the desire to prove yourself or to appease a real or imaginary authority figure. Usually, this stems from a childhood where you were working overtime to gain parental acceptance. As an adult, you can transfer the desire to win outside approval to a healthy desire to give yourself approval. And that comes from taking positive action steps, such as peacefully working instead of frantically racing against the clock.
Forcing yourself: If you find yourself starting a sentence with the words “I have to…” stop and question why you’re doing what you’re doing. Why are you forcing and pushing yourself? That’s a sign that your soul is rejecting the activity, and it isn’t healthy. Either meditate and get to the point where you are happy to engage in the activity, make changes with respect to how you engage in it (switching to a more enjoyable workout routine, for example), or stop doing it altogether.
Indecisiveness: The thought I can’t decide whether to do this or do that can make you feel stuck. The existential dilemma of having to make choices concerning how to spend time is the basis of internal struggles and angst. Remember that not making a decision is the same thing as making one…because if you aren’t making a decision, you’re deciding to stay in your present state. Sometimes life calls you to make a choice before you’re ready. Do your best and go for what your soul calls you to do.
Not planning ahead: Part of drama addition is procrastinating until an appointment or deadline is upon you. Do you wait until Christmas Eve to shop for gifts, or the night before a report is due to begin it? These are examples of needlessly stressing yourself. Planning ahead is a new habit that can substantially lower your stress levels. One way to plan is to break a big task down into small steps, and then schedule them into your calendar.
Stressing to impress: Are you working like crazy to make enough money to buy prestigious items? Who are you trying to impress? This unhealthy and stressful habit stems from a desire to be loved. However, if people like you for what you own, it’s a hallow feeling. You desire and deserve to be loved for who you are…beginning with loving yourself for having a calmer, more peaceful schedule.
Being a martyr: Do you feel resentful and irritable because you have to do all of the work? This is stressful and toxic, and a sign that you need to (a) look for ways to simplify your life so that you’re not bemoaning how much you have to do, and or (b) start delegating tasks and asking others to help you.
Focusing upon the future: After a trauma, it’s natural to worry whether something painful will recur. However, if you become obsessed with fear about possible future traumas, you’ll lose the enjoyment of the moment. This is a part of post-traumatic dissociations, where you lose present awareness of yourself. A simple and effective method for reconnecting with the present is to do deep breathing. Inhale deeply, and then exhale completely. Notice your heart rate. Be aware of whether you’re comfortable or not. What do you see and hear right now? Focusing upon present feelings and environmental cues help center you in the here and now. This empowers you to feel more confident about your present and your future”.
I have given you homework to reflect over the above categories and to track your time. I want you to really understand what you are doing with your time. I then have given you homework to research backwards planning. In project management this is how we plan. We go to the end date and plan from that point backwards. Then we start. Make sure to have a margin of error in place. For example, if something is due on the 31st of March, then you want to have it fully ready in your planning by the 28th of March – side note – That is Professor P’s Birthday!!! 50 and oh so fine like red Italian wine, I am aging gracefully. With long life He will satisfy me! – That was a whole squirrel moment!
Let’s get back to it shall we. Then from 3/28 you want to work back again. You will need a draft of what you are working on, however that looks ready by say 3/25. And you continue to work backwards. In project management we add in others to help us. In entrepreneurship you will do the same with what you are working on. It is important to understand that delegation is your superpower. Then you have different tasks overlapping during the timeline you have set. I want you to do your own research on backwards planning and try it for yourself.
Learn to block your time. Learn to set your boundaries and honor them. Learn to do only your part. If God, ask you to 80% and you do 100% you were 20% disobedient. Keep that in mind. Let others help you and do their 20% or whatever it is. TRUST, which I know can be hard. But it is important in building a team and building your business.
The mismanagement of time can cause you unwanted stress and stress is not good for us. It is a secret killer. Understand that your relationship with time is many times tied to your trauma. If you deal with the root, you can become a master of time. I am a living witness. Let’s jump into today’s podcast to hear more.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 29th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is OLD ceilings turn into NEW floors. #mastery
How many of you know that you have been hitting your head against the ceiling? You have been hitting it so much you have a headache. Today’s podcast is going to encourage you to bust through your old ceiling and turn it into a NEW floor.
Spring is rapidly making its way to us and you are going to see how beautiful the earth becomes with its new colors and fragrances. Our God makes ALL things NEW, and it is time for you to walk into your NEWNESS.  
This is a leap year, and I am encouraging you all to LEAP! You only need a tiny blue ladybug aka mustard seed size faith to move mountains. Having radical faith in the unknown doesn’t mean you don’t get scared of what’s there. Or even of what you’re letting go of to go there. It simply means you TRUST that no matter what, you are fully supported and able. The question of “how” doesn’t have to be answered. Releasing the “how” is the hardest part however and it is very uncomfortable. But that discomfort doesn’t last for long. You are free to feel. Release and RECEIVE!
Don’t stop believing my friends. Don’t stop working your FAITH! You keep stepping and God will keep providing placement for your feet or flight so you can soar. It is time for you to take a LEAP into today’s podcast for more.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 28th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you my 1st GUEST SPEAKER of the year, Jasmine Bonilla with Jazz’s Saucy Sauce.  The power of SPEAKING LIFE. The LEGACY of EMPOWERMENT. #entrepreneurspotlight
Jasmine Bonilla is the owner and founder of Jazz’s Saucy Sauce, an All-Purpose condiment that offers a unique flavor to spice up any dish. The sauce is also vegan, gluten-free, and keto-friendly. Jasmine graduated from Alchemist Micro-enterprise Academy in the Spring of 2020 where she honed her business skills. She is a participant in the Alchemist Kitchen Incubator Program. She also received her Business Certificate from American River College.
Jasmine currently sells her sauces at local farmers markets in Sacramento, as well as several local stores. Jazz’s Saucy Sauce continues to have a popular following and has been featured on several media outlets, such as Good Day Sac, Fox 40, Sacramento Business Journal, Sacramento Magazine, Sacramento Bee, Canvas Rebel Magazine, and Bold Journey Magazine.
Jasmine was inspired to create Jazz’s Saucy Sauce because of the connection food has with community. She attributes this frame of mind to her mom and Grandmother, both of who displayed a passion for feeding from the soul. Seeing how food brings joy to people and observing their faces light up when the sauce dances on their palate is quite delightful.
Jasmine’s biggest supporters are her four children and amazing husband. She loves to cook, read, workout, spend quality time with her family, tend to her garden and houseplants and cruise down the river in her boat on warm days!
You can find more information on Jasmine and where to find Jazz’s Saucy Sauce on:
Instagram: @JazzsSaucySauce
Facebook : Jazz’s Saucy Saucy
And be sure to connect with me too! Thank you in advance for all your love!!
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 27th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is BLESSED vs. LUCK. #truthbetold
Our words have meaning. Our thoughts are powerful. One of my all-time most downloaded podcasts is the power of words. If you haven’t heard it, go check it out after you listen to this one today. With each word we say we are making a statement. What our beliefs, ideologies, and passions are. The power of the tongue is very influential. This is why I am challenging you to examine the words you speak. What are you standing behind with the words you speak. For this podcast I am breaking down Blessed vs. Luck.
Blessed: very welcome, pleasant, or appreciated (Merriam-Webster)
Happy; prosperous in worldly affairs; enjoying spiritual happiness and the favor of God (1828 Noah Webster)
Lucky: the things that happen to a person because of chance: the accidental way things happen without being planned
Your life is not meaningless. It is not an accident. You are not here by some random chance. God is a purposeful God, and you are here on purpose. All the things in your life big or small are divinely orchestrated. Luck is stating you just randomly received something good in your life. That you were in the right place at the right time. But this is not accurate. Every good and perfect gift is from God. Your steps are ordered.  So, thank God for each blessing in your life because God is showing you love throughout your whole day. You just have to acknowledge and realize where the source of your appreciation should be.
Luck is not going to give you happiness and it certainly cannot bless you. But God can, will, and does on a daily. There are no coincidences. You are blessed in the city and the country. You are blessed in your comings and your goings. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Even the seemingly insignificant details of our life have purpose. God is all knowing, all purposeful. So, as you wake up each day, see God’s purpose in every moment. Delight in God as He delights in you. Use your moments for Him, as He breathes purpose and value into each one.
Now say it with me… I am BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVORED!
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

Welcome everyone to the 26th episode of Professor P's Podcast. This year, once a month, I will be bringing you entrepreneurial tips. The topic for this show is GRIT, which is important in the foundation of being an EMPOWERED entrepreneur but also to live the EMPOWERED life.
You are going to need paper and pen for this episode and honestly for most to all of my episodes you will always want to keep paper and pen. I will share several stories. All of them should give you encouragement and inspire you. One of the stories I just shared with my students this past week.
Deshauna Barber - American model Ms. USA 2016. She suffered from some low self-esteem. A woman found her in Target and told her that she could be the next Ms. USA. She started competing in the state pageants. She tried for six years in a row and was ready to give up “it is failing epically”. Leslie told her to keep trying. Finally in her seventh year she won the title of Ms. USA and life changed dramatically. In the words of Leslie “If not you, then who”. “At times our purpose drops in our laps as if heaven threw it by accident. Do not fear failure. But please be terrified of regret. Giving up is the birth of regret. There will be hundreds of moments of people telling you no. You will hear more no’s than yeses in your lifetime. We will fail and fail a lot.
Don’t be afraid of no’s be afraid of a yes that you have prematurely destroyed because you have decided to quit before the clock strikes 12. You have rights to your no and your YES is undeniable. Your yes is far more powerful and purposeful than any no you will ever receive.
Wisdom is gained through experiences. Failure is one of the greatest producers of wisdom. Wisdom is attracted to and accessible to all. When wisdom speaks it is true. Wisdom produces durable revenue. To have the talent of wisdom you must listen to it. The art and power of listening.
What have you accepted that you can alter if you negotiate from a different perspective?
So, if you are ready to be inspired, encouraged, and gain some knowledge that will do you well in entrepreneurship and in life, then you need to jump into this episode and let me know your thoughts.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast with everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P

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