Professor P’s Podcast - Entrepreneurship - Empowerment - Energetics

Professor P is known for evoking the essence of spirituality by bringing the energetic fire, activating the mind, and speaking the truth. She comes with a faith focused and is a massive disruptor who will make you think. Professor P podcast is focused on three pillars: Entrepreneurship – Empowerment – Energetics. Each week she will be providing you with a dose of energetic power, which she calls ELIXIR. These short episodes are designed to give you the boost you need to not only get you through the week but also the encouragement to heal and free the soul. Her Entrepreneurship episodes will be filled with vast amount of information to help you no matter what stage in business you are. From pre concept to already existing and ready to scale. Professor P has a vast network of entrepreneurs she knows and respects. She will be sharing them as guest on the episodes. Her Empowerment episodes will focus on the TRUTH BE TOLD. Professor P has taken no prisoners on her journey and speaks very openly and publicly about her traumatic background. Today she lives what she calls the Empowered Life and in the Essence of who she was designed to be and continually evolving into her greatest version daily. There will be no holding back when it comes to these episodes. She will cover an array of topics from the wounded mother to trauma, to mind control, to wealth, to conditioning, and the list goes on and on. These episodes will also include guest interviews. Professor P is a five-time published author. Four of her books are on entrepreneurship and one is on empowerment. She has more than 25 years of business administration experience with 20 of those years as an entrepreneur. She grew her core business from six locations in half the state of California to thirty locations in five states. Today she is growing a global brand. Prior to getting her business she was a welfare mother, and she comes from a deep history of poverty, abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Professor P is on a mission to let everyone know that every tragedy and trauma can be turned into TRIUMPH! And you can live the Empowered Life. And live in the ESSENCE of who you truly are. Contact with Professor P Website Email The Professor P School Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 15th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another GUEST SPEAKER, Jennifer Ramirez; from being a VICTIM of CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE to being VICTORIOUS in helping WOMEN HEAL &RISE. #traumatotriumph
Jennifer Ramirez is an author, entrepreneur, coach, and speaker that is passionate about helping women live their best lives. She is the Founder of the nonprofit organization, &Rise, whose mission is to empower women to be the ultimate versions of themselves no matter what adversities they've faced.  Jennifer is also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, and domestic abuse and shares her story with other survivors to offer them hope and healing as they work through their trauma and abuse. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for all women and offers prevention education to help empower and educate women on healthy relationships, red flags, and healthy coping skills.
In this episode Jennifer shares her story and how today it fuels her nonprofit, &RISE. We discuss everything from lack of boundaries, feeling through the void of loneliness, red flags and how to stop collecting them, and so much more. This is an interview you diffidently don’t want to miss. You can connect with Jennifer at the links below.
Website -
Email -
Tik Tok - and_rise_
IG - and_rise_
Twitter - and_rise_
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 14th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is the POWER of I AM.  #truthbetold
In many languages like English, the phrase “I am” indicates the speaker's existence. Existence is defined as the fact or state of living or having objective reality.
How do we know we exist?
The only evidence you have that you exist as a self-aware being is your conscious experience of thinking about your existence. You cannot access anyone else's conscious thoughts, so you will never know if they are self-aware. It is so important that you reflect to others the importance of self-awareness by sharing your story and sharing the tools you have used to become more aware.
Sharing this podcast is a great place to start. Thank you in advance for doing so.
Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with reality. In philosophy, it refers to the ontological property of being. Ontological means relating to the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. Quantum physics plays into this as well.
I ask you in this episode to think about your existence and how you have shaped it with your I AM statements. How you can shape your future with the POWER of I AM!
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Both of which, come in pieces.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 13th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you my very first GUEST SPEAKER, Emily Sanders; from being SEX TRAFFICKED to BEING CEO of CONNECT 2 CHANGE. #truthbetold
Emily Sanders is the Founder and CEO of Connect 2 Change – A nonprofit organization dedicated to serving homeless and sex trafficked women. To be a bridge to resources that can help them get off the streets and on to a new life. Empowering people today for success tomorrow!
She is a survivor of homelessness, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. Passionate about helping homeless women who are victims of abandonment, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and trauma. With a deep understanding of their current circumstance, fears, and daily challenges of survival.
In her own words: “Homelessness, domestic violence, drugs, and being sex trafficked became my prison for several years. My saving grace was being abandoned on street 8 ½ months pregnant. After a short stay at the hospital, I went to Bishop Gallegos, a maternity home in Sacramento. I was then connected to a trauma counselor, through another agency, I-Can. I began to heal and reclaim my life. I now have an apartment and work hard at creating a better future for myself, family, and others.”
This is an interview you diffidently don’t want to miss.
You can connect with Emily at the links below.
Phone: 916-287-3312
Website: but soon to be
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 12th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is HYPNOTIC RHYTHM and DIFNATE of PURPOSE. The wisdom of Napoleon Hill.  #truthbetold
“Any thought or physical movement which is repeated over and over through the principle of habit finally reaches the proportion of rhythm. Then the habit cannot be broken because nature takes it over and makes it permanent. It is something like a whirlpool in water…Then it is carried round and round, but it cannot escape…Habit establishes one’s rhythm of thought, and that rhythm attracts the object of one’s dominating thoughts.” Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970)
Hill described Hypnotic Rhythm as a law of human nature that solidifies our habits and makes them permanent. Similar to gravity, no one is exempt from hypnotic rhythm. All of us are in our own rhythm of our own habits. Our rhythm are the things we do that we don’t even think about, the actions built into our existence like earth orbiting the sun. We can use the natural law of hypnotic rhythm to create long-lasting habits that bring success, but we can also use hypnotic rhythm to bring about misery and permanent failure.
Rhythm is established from repeated habits and habits are established through repeated actions. Actions are the things we do that we have complete control over. Hill says that we consciously decide whether or not actions come into being. This also applies to our thoughts.
If our habits are repeated long enough, they become hypnotic rhythm. This is when the habit becomes a part of what we are on a phenomenological level. Our habit can be put on autopilot and at that point the actions associated with that habit require no willpower at all. At this stage, we have almost no control over those actions. Unlike at the beginning, we have no say in if these rhythms carry out. Hill says that we can work against hypnotic rhythm, but it’s incredibly difficult. Our best bet is to stop the bad habits before they become rhythm and keep practicing the good habits until they are automated.
Our actions slowly become what we are and the longer we repeat our actions, the more ingrained in us they become through the laws of hypnotic rhythm. This applies to our thoughts as well. Repeated thoughts become thought habits and our thought habits decide our fate. How we think and view the world is what is revealed to us. We can build our thought habits through understanding our human motivations and drives. When we understand the source of our desires, we gain control over the quality of thoughts we have.
A definite purpose is something that you must create for yourself. No one else will create it for you, and it will not create itself. What are you going to do about it? and when? and how? Desire is the factor that determines that your definite purpose in life shall be. No one can select your dominating desire for you, but once you select it yourself, it becomes your definite chief aim and occupies the spotlight of your mind until it is satisfied by transformation into reality, unless you permit it to be pushed aside by conflicting desires.
These are the steps leading from desire to fulfillment: First the burning desire, then the crystallization of that desire into a definite purpose, then sufficient appropriate action to achieve that purpose. Remember that these three steps are always necessary to ensure success.
Your life’s purpose and mission are important. Every person is here for a reason. We all have something to say to the world around us and something we need to accomplish. Yet so many people simply wander through life, from job to job, relationship to relationship, and never reach their goals. Too many people lie on their death bed filled with regrets of all the things they never accomplished. Most won’t say it out loud, yet the thoughts are there in their mind as they lie helpless with no way of getting back up and striving toward them.
Dreamers today have access to more information and technology than ever before in the history of the world. Are you willing to realize the opportunities that exist and use them to your advantage? You must be open-minded. You must be willing to embrace new ideas. You cannot be afraid of change. Never has there been a more favorable time to be a pioneer than now, today! Before you there is a vast and varied landscape of opportunity, waiting for another willing participant to join the party.
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Both of which, come in pieces.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Ep 11 Identity #truthbetold

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 11th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is IDENTITY. #truthbetold
According to Psychology Today, our identities encompass memories, experiences, relationships, and values. These components all help to create our identities and our sense of self.
As human beings, identity serves a few purposes that help us live and be well. Having a sense of identity lends itself to a sense of belonging. If we know how we define ourselves, it’s easier to find communities and places where we feel like we belong.
Identity can also be a way to structure some parts of our lives and choices to make them more manageable. This is so important to understand as it links to our traumatic experiences. And how they in-turn affect our daily lives in how we identify. After a traumatic accident, we are left changed — physically, mentally, and emotionally. Trauma can rob you of critical components of your true identity. This episode is exposing the truth and restoring to you what was stolen.
I have been setting you all up in the last two episodes, to help you remove limiting beliefs so that you could fully receive this message. I am giving you even more to think about and I want you to make sure you spend time doing the homework.
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 10th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is BELIEF SYSTEMS. #mastery
Do you know the power of your belief systems? Let me tell you, they are very powerful. Your belief systems shape your word. You see it is in believing, that we make the day appear. It is in believing that we reach our goals.  It is also because of limiting beliefs that we receive so little.
Last episode I came after limiting beliefs around money. This episode, I am coming for all the limiting beliefs. We are pulling up roots baby and we are planting new beliefs. New seeds. More accurate ones. Ones that grant you access to what belongs to you. I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 9th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS. Your DIVINE birthright. #mastery
What is money? Money is a frequency; it is energy, and it is neutral some say. Others believe it holds more of a feminine aspect. It loves to be treated well. It loves to be converted into things. It loves to be appreciated. It doesn’t like to be suffocated. It will then suffocate. It flows. It is made to move. Money is the body of value, in other words, it is we, the observers, that place value in things, but this value is really value in us. We give value to the material things.
Physical paper money doesn’t even represent money in full. It cannot reasonably do that. By some estimates (and this varies from nation to nation) only a little as 4% of the money in the banks exists in physical form. Just imagine how much materials it would take to make all the money in the world. Let alone all the space if would take.
Money is just the shadow of something else. The first step to wealth is to know what money really is or, more accurately what it represents. Do not look at the shadow it is unwise and unhealthy. Look, instead, at the value within you and within people, and the flowing and exchanging of this value between people. Our internal value is what creates money. Money is the shadow of our internal value. Develop the internal value in yourself and in others and your external money and wealth will rise correspondingly – automatically and without fail. Remember money is only an aspect of a person’s internal value but doesn’t mean that it represents a person’s entire value. We have intrinsic value. There is not dollar amount that could ever be placed on us, nor is there a past, present, or future event that dictates our value. We are endless with our value. We are made by God and our value is given to us by God.
Wealth consciousness is available to all people. It can be developed by and within all people equally. Wealth consciousness is free to all, but you can choose to develop it or not. You can choose to exercise it or not. You require nothing outside yourself to increase your wealth consciousness and, therefore, your money. All you need is already in you right now. Wealth consciousness is simply the expansion of your consciousness and awareness into the wealthy parts of yourself.  You have more wealth capability in you than you could possibly experience in a lifetime.  You don’t need to worry about how you are going to convert your wealth consciousness into money it will happen automatically.
This episode is one that is going to help you up-root your limiting beliefs around money and a seed of safety will be planted in its place.  I do a live activity with you and of course I will give you homework and something to make you think. I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces.
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 8th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is QUANTUM PHYSICS. I am giving you today another MASTER KEY. #mastery
Have you ever heard of or studied quantum physics (QP)? It is one of my favorites. I just love it. QP is the study of the building blocks of the universe. QP tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there, where and how we observe it. Energy is subatomic particles that, in turn, make up atoms and, finally matter.  No solid object is solid. It is made up of rapidly flashing packages of energy. Billions of trillions of packets of energy. That is what your world is – a rapid flash that causes an illusion of being “solid” and “continuous.”
Once you understand what your world really and truly is, you start to understand its true behavior and nature. You can then change your view of it. And with your changed perception, you can change your creation of it. QP is the first step to your awakening. Not only will you understand the very construction of all that you see around you, but you will also understand exactly how your belief and thinking creates matter, how you reap what you sow, how even before you ask, it has been given unto you. It is science catching up with spirituality. Let the church say AMEN!
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces. And that you can receive another master key. Empowered means taking the keys to your life back to your rights back. Jump into today’s podcast and get your master key!
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 7th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is PRAYER. I am giving you today the ULTIMATE KEY. #mastery
Is prayer apart of your daily life? Last episode I talked about meditation and prayer and meditation go hand in hand. This episode I talk about the benefits of prayer which even science agrees with. I talk about the angry prayer and how important it is to get that out. That God is not moved by our emotions. I am a praying prophetess and I am available to you if you need prayer. I will pray for and with you. Just send me a message.  
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces. And that you can receive the ultimate key. Empowered means taking the keys to your life back to your rights back. Jump into today’s podcast and get your master key!
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

Welcome everyone to the 6th episode of Professor P's Podcast. I am bringing you another dose of Elixir, the energic power. The topic for this show is MEDITATION. I am giving you today a MASTER KEY. #mastery
How many of you meditate? How many of you wish you could meditate? Do you know why you don’t meditate? Well in today’s episode I go deeply in on why we don’t meditate and how we can heal. How we have rights to the power of stillness and meditation. How meditation is a master key to balance, execution, and bring forth your vision.
As a bonus I close out this episode with a guided meditation. Which I can promise you will come back to again and again. I am going to be recording a few different guided meditations and they will be available to you. I will have them linked in my profile and my notes once they are ready.
I am so excited for you to dive into today’s podcast so you can once again receive healing and freedom. Which both come in pieces. And that you can receive a master key which is going to unlock the next level for you. Empowered means taking the keys to your life back to your rights back. Jump into today’s podcast and get your master key!
Remember to connect with me on social media. My handles are below. And I would love for you to subscribe, leave me a review, and share this podcast out to everyone you know. Thank you in advance! 
Contact with Professor P
The Professor P School

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